HomepageMagician siteadmin 8 years ago Categories: Arizona MagicianMagicMagician Quite a lengthy checklist for a Sunday if you ask me.. I do have a huge show to prepare for though. #anticipate #magic Instagram filter used: Crema View in Instagram ⇒ On the left @goldstarevents_ 50% Hump Day email blast was sent today. Lookie who was 3rd on a long list of shows happening in the valley! #magic #azmagic #jordontaylormagic #anticipate » « Anyone want to be a part of the Jordon Taylor Magic street team? I've got flyers coming out of my ears!! #magic #anticipate Tags: anticipatearizonaazchandlergilbertillusionistjordon taylormagicmagic showmagicianmentalistphoenixscottsdaletempe siteadmin: