Mentalist Monday!! Check out British Mentalist, Derren Brown’s full show “Svengali” on YouTube. #magic

Mentalist Monday!! Check out British Mentalist, Derren Brown’s full show “Svengali” on YouTube.

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Friends and family night @evenstevens in PHX. I have never been this excited by a sandwich shop. They donate a sandwich for every one you buy! #evenstevens #magic

Friends and family night @evenstevens in PHX. I have never been this excited by a sandwich shop. They donate a sandwich for every one you buy! #evenstevens #magic

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A new deck has only been lasting me about a week lately. Had to stock up. Black Friday deals earned me 2 specialty decks I’m pretty excited about! #magic #monarchs #arizonamagic #jordontaylormagic #azmagician #stockup

A new deck has only been lasting me about a week lately. Had to stock up. Black Friday deals earned me 2 specialty decks I’m pretty excited about! #magic #monarchs #arizonamagic #jordontaylormagic #azmagician #stockup

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